But, let me introduce myself first!

I Can Help
Your Project
to Shine!

I Can Help
Your Project
to Shine!

Through mobilizing 8+ years of experience in the arts and creative/cultural industry.
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Hello, I'm Omar. I like to think of myself as a knowledge enthusiast. I'm also a multidisciplinary artist and cultural practitioner. based between Berlin and Alexandria. Over the past couple of years, I realized that my work in creative & art direction, as well as in graphic & web design; represents an integral part of my artistic practice as a whole!
That's why I see in job titles and formal descriptions a limitation in describing what I can do, and I found it more coherent to present myself as a knowledge enthusiast who has a specific interest in the arts as a form of engaging, meditating, and communicating :)
I offer a comprehensive set of skills*, separate or combined at your convenience. From providing case-specific consultancy and brainstorming sessions for your project in its conceptualization phase all the way to realizing a coherent visualization that can convey your project’s vision to your targeted community!

* I'm tech-savvy. I work with a wide range of software programs including - but not limited to - Adobe creative suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Aftereffect, and Primer Pro), Figma for web/UI designing, Touch Designer for live visuals and 3D processing, and Blender for 3D object manipulation.
I have versatile technical skills working with photography, video shooting & editing, sound recording, and lighting setup. Furthermore, I have experience working with performers and musicians. And I have 6+ years of experience organizing and implementing live events, performances, music concerts, public talks, film screenings, & exhibition displays. I work with art spaces, organizations, and other creative individuals, often as a creative director, art director, product designer, UI/UX designer, media and documentation manager, and chief visibility officer.

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